This game is perfect for high energetic, hyper people. Thumper is fast paced with a mild buzz factor. A perfect game for camping and outdoor events.
How To Play
Get everyone to sit in a circle and pick a leader. Every person then picks a hand gesture. The key is to remember each persons hand signal. Don't make them to complicated.
Here are some hand gestures you could use:
- peace
- rock, paper or scissors
- middle finger
- westside
- rock on
- crips, blood gangsigns
- eagle
- bunny
- live long and prosper
- etc..
2. The leader yells "WHATS THE NAME OF THE GAME?"
3. Everyone responds with "THUMPER!"
4. Leader yells "WHY DO WE PLAY THE GAME?"
5. Everyone responds, "TO GET FUCKED UP!"
6. Leader makes their hand gesture aswell as another players.
7. This player then makes their hand gesture followed by anothers.
8. This process continues. The person that screws up drinks.
9. No back and forths.